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SMEEGE – Small and Medium Enterprises' Executives Go to Europe

SMEEGE is an Erasmus+ project that aims to demonstrate the benefits of experiences abroad en the learning. These approach managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the context of short-term mobility.


In recent years, various institutions have recognized that experiences abroad during vocational training are very useful and valuable.  A 2018 NABiBB survey of project promoters confirms that skills and knowledge of the employees increase after a stay abroad. Mobility offers during vocational training also improved the image of the institutions, which constitutes a significant strategy for staff retention in times of shortage of qualified personnel.

I eat?

However, many small and medium-sized companies are not aware of the purpose of going abroad.

The number of trainees going abroad could increase if managers get an idea of the benefits of mobility. Therefore, SMEEGE's goal is to send SME managers abroad to make the benefits personally tangible.

These go abroad (at your expense, but organized by the project partners).


The SMEEGE project will take place between October 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022 by the lead organisation, TALENTBRÜCKE GmbH & Co. Kg, and six other partners from Spain, Slovenia, Italy, Belgium and Germany.

The objective

The aim of the SMEEGE project is to show managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the benefits of mobility. This is done with information and development of approaches for these companies to send trainees abroad for part of their training and to highlight the advantages for companies.

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