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The objectives of the project are:


"(...) advance digitalization in the field of vocational training, improve it and disseminate the guiding idea of digitalization in vocational training".


"(..) respond specifically to the changes caused by the pandemic in the three domains of technology, interpersonal skills and administrative organization with concrete solutions. The solutions refer to how the transformation of learning operations into learning formats digital can take place in a sustainable way."


"(...) provide guidance to stakeholders on education and vocational training in the field of digitization by exchanging experiences from various European countries. By counteracting the deficits with concrete solutions in the field of technical implementation we want to enrich the state current state of technology."

We are going to develop 5 tools to meet our objectives:


1. A report on survey findings and an integrated content inventory

in it about how different stakeholders in education have used technology in recent years and which technology has been the most useful. The report should guide stakeholders on digitization in VET (WP2)


2. Create solutions that respond to the needs of the surveys and, in the course of this

write a report, as an aid and guide, on the application of technical tools to improve the digitization of learning content (WP 3)


3. Design preparatory training courses for students and teachers that respond to the needs of the surveys, to prepare and train for digitization in the Veterinary area (PT 3).


4. Develop green solutions and practices for the administrative area for the digitization of FP. A report will be written that will serve as a tool and guide for the application of administrative tools to improve the digitization of materials, exams, attendance, records, etc. (WP4)


5. Establishment of an open source tool, in which on the one hand the results of the WP 2 will be deposited. On the other hand, here it will be possible to exchange, as an open source community, courses, reports and documents related to planning and training management (WP 4)

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Participating companies and institutions


Meetings and Workpackages

WP2 Handbook of useful technologies:


Through a survey we found out how teachers, students and training centers have faced the challenges of the necessary digitalization of learning content, exams and internships in the last two years of the pandemic.

More specifically, we collect data on what exactly has changed for them, what solutions they have found and where they think they need improvement.

Based on the gaps we identified through our survey, we create solutions for different target groups that help address these gaps.

WP3 Technical solutions and skills and competency courses:

In this work package, our objective was to cover the deficiencies identified in work package 2 with concrete solutions in the field of technical application of digital learning content, as well as in the field of competencies. With this we wanted to enrich the current state, which emerged from the WP2 report, with new solutions.

In this sense, we created two project products:

1. A report, as an aid and guide, on the application of technical tools to improve the digitization of learning content.

2. Online Skills Courses in the Form of Video Learning Pills

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